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Scientific degree: D.Sc., Ph.D., Full Professor
The Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics |
Phone: +48 22 234 7446 |
Position in Warsaw University of Technology
Director of Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics
Functions outside Warsaw University of Technology
President of Polish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (PSAA)
Mamber of ICAS Council
Member of ICAS Programme Committee (from 2013)
Member of Board of Trustees CEAS
Member of the Łukasiewicz Research Network– Institute of Aviation Council
Scientific disciplines
Flight dynamics, Flight simulation, Design of aircraft, Numerical methods of aerodynamics, Optimization methods
Selected papers:
Papers in journals:
- Mieloszyk, J., Tarnowski, A. and Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. (2024), "Designing aerodynamic devices for UAV – lessons learned", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 96 No. 1, pp. 73-83.
- Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. (2023), " Flight dynamics of unconventional configurations", Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 137, 100885,
- Goetzendorf-Grabowski T, Kwiek A. (2023), Study of the Impact of Aerodynamic Model Fidelity on the Flight Characteristics of Unconventional Aircraft. Applied Sciences, 13, no. 22: 12522,
Kowalska, A. and Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. (2023), "Impact of the aileron gap sealing on the aileron effectiveness", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 95 No. 1, pp. 26-37, - Kwiek, A., Figat, M. and Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. (2023), “The Study of Selected Aspects of the Suborbital Vehicle Return Flight Trajectory”, Aerospace, MDPI AG, Vol. 10 No. 5, p. 489.,
- Pakuła, A., Muchla, G., Załęcki, B., Modzelewski, M.J. and Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. (2022), "Mechanical aspects of mothership with sensing drones system", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 94 No. 8, pp. 1220-1227,
Pobikrowska K., Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. (2021), "Wind tunnel tests of hovering propellers in the transition state of Quad-Plane", Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, Vol. 69, No. 6, 2021, -
Mieloszyk, J., Tarnowski, A., Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T., Kowalski, M. and Goliszek, B. (2021), "Comparison of different fidelity mass analyses", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 93 No. 7, pp. 1229-1235 -
Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T., Tarnowski, A., Figat, M., Mieloszyk, J., Hernik, B. (2021), Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle for emergency medical service – Synthesis of the layout, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol.235, Iss.1, pp. 5-21 -
J.Mieloszyk, A.Tarnowski, A.Tomaszewski, T.Goetzendorf-Grabowski (2020), Validation of flight dynamic stability optimization constraints with flight tests, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 106, -
Igor Skawiński, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, (2019) "FDM 3D printing method utility assessment in small RC aircraft design", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 91 Issue: 6, pp. 865-872, -
Katarzyna Pobikrowska, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, (2019) "Stability analysis of the experimental airplane powered by a pulsejet engine", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, -
Wojciech Jerzy Miksa, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, (2019) "Partially feasible solution space for integrated SATS operations", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, -
Yuki Yoshida, Edyta Dziemińska, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, (2018) Amphibious airplane for underwater observation: Conceptual design, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 232, Iss. 14, pp. 2627-2637 -
Andrzej Tarnowski, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, (2018) Design of morphing wing with surface discontinuity, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 232, Iss. 14, pp. 2638-2650 -
Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Jacek Mieloszyk, (2017), Common Computational Model for coupling panel method with finite element method, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Vol.89, Iss.5, pp.654-662 -
Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, (2017), Multi-disciplinary optimization in aeronautical engineering, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 231, Iss. 12, pp. 2305-2313 -
Jacek Mieloszyk, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, (2017), Introduction of Full Flight Dynamic Stability Constraints in Aircraft Multidisciplinary Optimization, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 68, pp. 252-260 -
Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Marcin Figat, (2016) Aerodynamic and stability analysis of personal vehicle in tandem-wing configuration, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 231, Iss. 11, pp. 2146-2162 -
Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Mirosław Rodzewicz, (2016) Design of UAV for photogrammetric mission in Antarctic area, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 231, Iss. 9, pp. 1660-1675 -
J. Mieloszyk, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, D. Mieszalski, (2016), Rapid geometry definition for multidisciplinary design and analysis of an aircraft, AVIATION, ISSN 1648-7788 / eISSN 1822-4180, Volume 20(2): 60–64 -
T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. Antoniewski , (2016),"Three surface aircraft (TSA) configuration – flying qualities evaluation", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Vol. 88 Iss 2 pp. 277 – 284 -
T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Formulation of the optimization problem for engine mount design – tractor propeller case. AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY, 2014, Vol. 86 Iss: 3, pp. 228 – 233 -
T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, D. Mieszalski, E Marcinkiewicz: Stability analysis using SDSA tool, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Volume 47, Issue 8, November 2011, Pages 636–646 -
A. Rizzi, P. Eliasson, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J.B. Vos, M. Zhang, T.S. Richardson: Design of a canard configured TransCruiser using CEASIOM, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Volume 47, Issue 8, November 2011, Pages 695-705 - Cezary Galiński, Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Dawid Mieszalski, Łukasz Stefanek: A concept of two-staged spaceplane for suborbital tourism, Transactions of the Institute of Aviation, No. 4/2007 (191), pp.33-42
T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, A. Frydrychewicz, Z. Goraj, S. Suchodolski: MALE UAV design of an increased reliability level, AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY, 2006, VOL 78; NUMBER 3, pp 226-235 -
M. Figat, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Z Goraj: Aerodynamic calculation of unmanned aircraft, AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY, 2005, VOL 77; NUMBER 6, pp 467-474 - Z. Goraj, A. Frydrychewicz, R. Świtkiewicz, B. Hernik, J. Gadomski, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, M. Figat, St. Suchodolski, W. Chajec: High altitude long endurance unmanned aerial vehicle of a new generation – a design challenge for a low cost, reliable and high performance aircraft, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2004, pp. 173-194
Papers in Conference Proceedings:
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, L. Kiszkowiak, A. Kwiek, P. Zalewski, K. Chudy, M. Figat: Study on configurations of airborne launch system for delivery of small payload to low earth orbit. Proceedings of 34th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2024-0355, pp 1-16, Florence 2024, ISSN 2958-4647
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, A. Kwiek, J. Mieloszyk, A. Tarnowski: Rapid design of unconventional aircraft using software tools coupled in optimization loop – lessons learned. Proceedings of 34th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2024-0496, pp 1-9, Florence 2024, ISSN 2958-4647
- A. Kwiek, M. Figat, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski: Preliminary study on a design of a return flight trajectory of a suborbital vehicle. Proceedings of 33th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2022-0395, pp 1-13, Stockholm 2022, ISSN 2958-4647
- J. Mieloszyk, A. Tarnowski, A. Kwiek, R. Topolewski, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski: Medium size UAV as test platform for new technologies. Proceedings of 33th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2022-0462, pp 1-9, Stockholm 2022, ISSN 2958-4647
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, D. Kacik, K. Pobikrowska: Optimization of energy consumption in the transition state of a quad-plane. Proceedings of 33th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2022-0576, pp 1-8, Stockholm 2022, ISSN 2958-4647
T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J. Mieloszyk, M. Figat, A. Tarnowski, B. Hernik: Lightweight UAV for emergency medical service, Proceedings of 32th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES,
ICAS 2020-0030, pp 1-11, Shanghai 2021, ISBN: 978-3-932182-91-4 -
Kostek A.A., Surmacz K., Rajek M., Goetzendorf-Grabowski T. (2021) Application of Fan Boundary Condition for Modelling Helicopter Rotors in Vertical Flight. In: Dillmann A., Heller G., Krämer E., Wagner C. (eds) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIII. STAB/DGLR Symposium 2020. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, vol. 151. Springer, Cham. - A. Tarnowski, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J. Mieloszyk: Morphing wing with surface discontinuity - comparative tests, Proceedings of 31th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2018-0025, Belo Horizonte 2018
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J. Mieloszyk: Unconventional configurations - design and optimization, Proceedings of 30th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2016-0067, Deajeon 2016
- J. Mieloszyk, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski: Common computational model for coupling panel method with finite element method, Proceedings of 6th EASN Workshop, Porto 2016
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, M. Rodzewicz: Design of UAV for photogrammetric mission in Antarctic area, Proceedings of CEAS European Air & Space Conference, Delft, September 2015
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, T. Antoniewski: Three surface aircraft (TSA) configuration – profits and problems, EASN 2014 Workshop Proceedings, Aachen 2014
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski: Stability problems of three surface configuration, Proceedings of 29th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, ICAS 2014-0270, St.Petersburg 2014
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, E.Marcinkiewicz, C.Galiński: Comparison of traditionally calculated stability characteristics with flight test data of PW-6U sailplane; Proceedings of CEAS European Air & Space Conference, Linkoping, October 2013, No. 190, pp 536-543
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J. Mieloszyk, D. Mieszalski: MADO – software package for high order multidisciplinary aircraft design and optimization, Proceedings of 28th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, Brisbane 2012, Paper ICAS 2012-1.9.4
- M. Figat, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, W. Grendysa, M. Jonas, A. Frydrychewicz: Tandem wing configuration – a personal air transport vehicle proposal, X Seminar on READ, Brno 2012
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, M. Figat: Aerodynamic and stability analysis of PPlane vehicle tandem-wing configuration, X Seminar on READ, Brno 2012
- T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Application of House of Quality tool into the analysis of operational concept for the future personal air transportation system, IX Seminar on READ, Warsaw 2010
T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, D. Mieszalski, E Marcinkiewicz: Stability analysis in conceptual design using SDSA tool, AIAA Paper 2010-8242, Toronto, Ontario Canada, -
A. Rizzi, P. Eliasson, C. McFarlaneT. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J.B. Vos: Virtual-Aircraft Design & Control of TransCruiser - a Canard Conguration, AIAA Paper 2010-8245, Toronto, Ontario Canada, - A. Rizzi, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J. Vos, D. Mieszalski, A. Da Ronch, M. Tomac, M. Ghoreyshi: Creating Aero-Databases by Adaptive-Fidelity CFD Coupled with S&C Analysis to Predict Flying Qualities, Proceedings of CEAS European Air & Space Conference, Manchester, 26-29 Oct 2009
T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, J.B.Vos, A. Rizzi, P.Molitor, M.Tomac, S.Sanchi: Coupling Adaptive-Fidelity CFD with S&C Analysis to Predict Flying Qualities, AIAA Paper 2009-3630, San Antonio, TX, -
R. von Kaenel, A. Rizzi, J. Oppelstrup, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, M. Ghoreyshi, L. Cavagna, A. Bérard: Ceasiom: Simulating Stability & Control with CFD/CSM in Aircraft Conceptual Design, Proceedings of 26th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, Anchorage 2008,
Paper ICAS-2008-1.6.3 -
P. Błaszczyk, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Z. Goraj, Modelling of Unsteady Flow About A Fire Fighting Aircraft Dropping The Water Bomb, AIAA Paper, 1998-0763, Reno - Nevada, -
Z. Goraj, J. Sznajder, T. Goetzedndorf-Grabowski, Analysis of Transient Dynamic Behaviour of a Fire Fighting Aircraft After the Water Bomb Dropping, Proceedings of 21th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, Melbourne 1998,
Paper ICAS-98-1.4.4
- KBN (The State Committee for Scientific Research) project PB0044/56/93/04 „The study of fligth stability of complex aerodynamic configuration
- KBN (The State Committee for Scientific Research) project 9T12C 006 08 „Parameter identification flying objects in real time using numerical simulation to flight”
- Civil Applications And Economical Effectivity of Potential UAV Configurations – CAPECON, EU FP5
- Simulating Aircraft Stability and Control Characteristics for use in Conceptual Design, SimSAC, EU FP6 – Work Package leader.
- Personal Plane: Assessment and Validation of Pioneering Concepts for Personal Air Transport Systems, PPLANE, EU FP7 – Site leader and Work Package leader
- Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft, ESPOSA, EU FP7
- A novel approach to monitoring the impact of climate change on Antarctic ecosystems MONICA, (POL-NOR/197810/84/2013)
Developed software
- PANUKL – Package to compute the aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft using low order panel method.
- SDSA – Package to dynamic stability analysis.
- Team Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology, for scientific achievements, 2020
- Team Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology, 1st degree, for scientific achievements, 2018
- Individual Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology, 1st degree, for scientific achievements, 2012
- Highly Commended Award for paper "MALE UAV design of an increased reliability level" in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY: An International Journal, 2007
- Highly Commended Award for paper "Aerodynamic calculation of unmanned aircraft" in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY: An International Journal, 2005
- Team Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology, 1st degree, for scientific achievements, 2004
- Team Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology, 1st degree, for scientific achievements, 1998