Regulations for semesters registration

Regulations valid from October 1, 2024

Annex no. 1 to Decision of the Dean of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering no. 42/2024 of 5 June 2024

Detailed regulations on registration to subsequent study stages at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering 


Passing courses

  1. Types of classes that can be completed within a course, include, inter alia: lectures, tutorials, project classes, laboratory classes and seminars.
  2. Passing a course consists of verification of learning outcomes achieved by the student in all classes completed within the course.
  3. A course completed in a given semester in the form of various types of classes shall end with a final grade determined according to course regulations.
  4. Passing a course gives the student the number of points laid down in the study programme according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
  5. Failure to pass a course at the given study stage shall entail the requirement to retake the classes of the course, i.e., retaking the course, taking an equivalent course or a course from the same group of courses depending on the study programme.
  6. If within the retaken course, classes of various types are conducted, the student may be exempt from the requirement to retake some classes for which the achieved learning outcomes were verified positively. The conditions of such exemption shall be laid down in the course regulations.


Grading system

  1. The extent of achievement of learning outcomes for a given course shall be determined with the grading scale laid down in the Academic Regulations at the Warsaw University of Technology.
  2. At the end of the semester, one grade is given in each course, regardless of the division of the classes into lectures, tutorials and laboratories.
  3. Obtaining the unsatisfactory grade (2.0) is equivalent to failing a course.


General rules of registration for subsequent study stages

  1. The basis of registration for another semester is the sum of the number of credits (ECTS) awarded for the courses passed.
  2. The nominal number of ECTS points is 30 per semester.
  3. Obtaining the number of ECTS points no lower than the product of the number of completed semesters of study and the nominal number of ECTS in a semester is equivalent to meeting full registration requirements.
  4. Registration for the subsequent study stage (semester or year) is based on meeting minimum registration requirements provided below.
  5. Obtaining the number of ECTS points smaller than full registration requirements but no less than minimum requirements provided in the table is equivalent to conditional registration.
  6. A student who fails to meet minimum registration requirements may apply for conditional registration for a subsequent study stage. A student of the last semester of study who failed to meet the requirements determined in the study programme may apply for re-registration to the last semester of study.
  7. A student who has met full registration requirements but failed to submit the diploma thesis within the specified deadline, may apply for extension of the deadline of diploma thesis submission by 3 months.
  8. A full-time student may obtain registration for a period no longer than two semesters over the nominal study duration. Leaves of absence are not included in the limit of maximum study duration.
  9. Re-registration (extension of the nominal study duration) may be obtained for the last semester in the study programme.
  10. A student who fails to meet the minimum registration requirements and failed to submit the application for conditional registration for the subsequent study stage or application for re-registration to the last semester of study or application for extension of the deadline of diploma thesis submission within the deadline laid down by the Dean’s Office, or if the Dean rejected the above listed applications, shall be struck off the register of students.


Detailed regulations on registration for a subsequent study stage, minimum registration requirements – first-cycle full-time and part-time programmes

  1. In first-cycle programmes, registration is conducted in September in the registration period laid down in the academic calendar. The basic study stage is the academic year.
  2. In the basic option, without breaks in studying (leaves of absence), registration is conducted subsequently for the second year of study, third year of study and the seventh (last) semester of study. Students who had breaks in studying may be last registered for a full academic year.
  3. For students of the last semester of study, the decision on re-registration for the 7th semester may also be taken in the registration period after the winter semester (a full-time student may be re-registered twice for semester 7).
  4. The numbers of ECTS points which constitute minimum registration requirements for subsequent study stages for students without breaks in studying are presented in the table below:
Registration for semester  III V VII
Number of collected credits 44 100 160

     5. The numbers of ECTS points which constitute minimum registration requirements for subsequent study stages for students who had a one-semester break in studying are presented in the table below (registration in September):

Registration for semester  II IV VI
Number of collected credits 22 70 130


Detailed regulations on registration for a subsequent study stage, minimum registration requirements – second-cycle full-time and part-time programmes

  1. In second-cycle programmes registration is conducted after the winter and summer semester in the registration period laid down in the academic calendar. The basic study stage is a semester.
  2. Registration for a subsequent semester is based on the sum of the number of credits (ECTS) awarded for the courses passed.
  3. The numbers of ECTS points which are the minimum registration requirements for specific study stages are presented in the table:
Registration for semester  II III IV*)
Number of collected credits 22 44 70
*) applicable to part-time programmes and 4-semester full-time programmes

Regulations valid until September 30, 2024

Annex to the Dean's decision no. 121/2020 dated 18.10.2020.

Passing the courses rules

  1. Types of classes which may be provided within a course shall include: lectures, tutorials, project and laboratory classes, and seminars.
  2. Course credit shall be based on verification of the learning outcomes achieved by a student as a result of participating in all the classes conducted within a given course.
  3. A course pursued in a given semester in the form of classes of various types shall be awarded a final grade in accordance with the course regulations.
  4. Passing the course causes granting the certain amount of ECTS points to the student specified in the study programme and in accordance to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
  5. Non-completion of a course at a given study stage shall result in the necessity to retake the classes in this course, i.e., to complete the course again, to complete an equivalent course or a course from the same group of courses, depending on the study programme.
  6. If the retaken course includes classes of various types, the student may be exempt from the requirement to retake some classes for which the achieved learning outcomes have undergone positive verification. The conditions of such exemption shall be laid down in course regulations.
  7. The failed course may be repeated only twice. The person, who has failed to pass the course three times, may be struck off the register of students.

The grading scheme

  1. The level of learning outcomes achievement for a given course is determined by the use of grades, which are indicated in the Academic Regulations.
  2. After termination of the semester, the student is awarded with the one grade from each course, regardless the division of classes for lectures, tutorials and laboratories.
  3. A fail grade (2.0) shall be equivalent to non-completion of a course by a student.

The rules of registration for the next semester of studies

  1. The basis of registration for the next semester is the number of ECTS points awarded to the student for the passed courses.
  2. The nominal number of ECTS points is 30 per semester.
  3. Awarding the number of ECTS points not lessen than ratio of realized semesters number (study periods) and nominal number of ECTS points in the semester means that the student has fulfil the full registration requirements.
  4. The condition of the registration for the next semester of studies is fulfilling the minimal register requirements. The number of ECTS points required for the minimal registration for each stage of studies is given in tables at the end of the document.
  5. The conditional registration is awarded to the student, who has completed the lower number of ECTS points than required to full registration, but the same or higher than indicated in the tables above.
  6. Lack of academic progress determined on the basis of the student’s failure to meet the minimum registration requirements may be the basis for striking the student off the register of students.
  7. In justified cases, the dean may grant permission to a student to be registered conditionally for the next semester of studies even the student’s failure to meet the minimum registration requirements. The registration is done on the student’s written request.
  8. A full-time student may be registered for no longer than two semesters beyond the nominal duration of the study. The limit of the maximum study duration shall exclude periods of leaves.
  9. The repeated registration (the extension of the nominal period of studies) can be awarded at the last semester in the study programme. In justified cases the first repeated registration is possible in reference to the penultimate semester in the study programme.

Table 1. 1st cycle studies (full-time and extra-mural studies)

Registration for the semester II III IV V VI VII
ECTS points awarded 22 44 68 98 130 170

Table 2. 2nd cycle full-time studies

Registration for the semester II III IV*)
ECTS points awarded 22 50 80
*) applicable to the four semester programme.

Table 3. 2nd cycle extra-mural studies

Registration for the semester II III IV
ECTS points awarded 22 50 80

Applications for conditional registration/ repetition of a semester/ diploma extension should be submitted throuth the USOS WEB system.

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