Zmodyfikowano: 07.12.2021 13:03
Information about payments for students.
You can make the payments to your individual account number in USOS system only if your personal bank account number (sender's account) is in another bank than PEKAO S.A. If you have the account in PEKAO SA, you can pay to the common WUT'a account below:
- Account number: 81 1240 1053 1111 0000 0500 5664
- Bank name: PEKAO SA, IV o/Warszawa
- Swift / Iban: PKO PPL PW / PL 81 1240 1053 1111 0000 0500 5664
- Bank address: ul. S.Noakowskiego 18/20, 00-668 Warszawa
- Beneficiary name: Warsaw University of Technology
- Beneficiary address: pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa