


Prof. Artur Rusowicz

Employee affairs: appeals against decisions of directors, student affairs: appeals against decisions of pro-deans, organizational affairs: cooperation with directors of institutes, cooperation with committees of the faculty board.

Admission hours: Monday 11.00 - 12.00
Room 125


Vice-Dean for General Affairs and Research

Prof. Marek Wojtyra

Scientific policy and supervision of the conduct of research, obtaining funds for research and infrastructure. Analysis of achievements and support of scientific development of employees. Cooperation with the WUT doctoral school and supervision of postgraduate studies. International scientific cooperation of the Faculty. Relations with alumni and the socio-economic environment; supervising the promotional activities.

Admission hours: Monday 11.00 - 12.00, Thursday 13.00 - 14.00
Room 230


Vice-Dean for Education

Maciej Zasuwa, Ph.D.

Registration of students, health and compassionate leave, teaching schedule, organization of examination sessions, registration of diploma students, diploma examination, ongoing control of the teaching process, appeals against decisions of Division heads on teaching matters, distribution of teaching activities among Institutes, recruitment for second-cycle degree programme, individual studies, international student exchange, cooperation with the Library.

Admission hours: Monday 10.00 - 12.00, Tuesday 12.15 - 13.15
Room 128


Vice-Dean for Student Affairs

Kamil Futyma, Ph.D.

Assignment of supervisors, welfare and living matters (scholarships, random allowances, dormitories), disciplinary matters, supervision of student research groups, cooperation with the WUT Publishing House, internships, recruitment for undergraduate studies.

Admission hours: Wednesday 10:00-11:00, Thursday 14:00-15:00
Room 128

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