Mechanics of Flight II


Professor Krzysztof Sibilski

Course number



Grading criteria

60% continuous assessment based on guided projects, 40% test work. Practical work: five (5) projects covering problems of static longitudinal equilibrium, stability and control of airplane as well as analysis of simple steady and unsteady motions of the airplane.


1. Phillips, W. F., Mechanics of Flight, John Willey and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey (USA), 2004.
 2. Etkin, B., Reid, L. D., Dynamics of Flight, 3rd ed., John Willey and Sons, New York, USA, 1996.
3. Roskam, J., Airplane Flight Dynamic and Control, Vol. I, DARCorporation, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, 1999.


Recent Notices

Feb. 5, 2015:  The final grade list is available here: ANK457-2014d_for_home_page