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Bellow is a list of Faculty divisions with summary of their research profile. Student interested in specific research area must contact the Head of appropriate Division for farther information.
Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics
Division of Aerodynamics
Research in the area of fluid dynamics and its applications in aeronautic, space, and automotive industries:
- shock wave boundary layer interactions, droplet dynamics,
- low Reynolds number flows,
- mesh generation and adaptation,
- spectral methods, Lattice Boltzman method,
- laminar-turbulent transition, stability analysis,
- adjoint optimisation, uncertainty quantification,
- aircraft wing design, high-lift systems, morphing wings.
Division of Aeroplanes and Helicopters
Research in the area of:
- experimental mechanics, composite structures, fatigue spectrum of aircraft frames,
- airframe parts manufacturing, delamination of carbon/epoxy airframe components,
- multidisciplinary methods for aircraft design and optimization, analyses of unconventional configurations,
- stability and maneuverability of flying objects; aircraft performances and flight safety,
- UAVs and flying targets,
- dynamically similar flying demonstrators, smart structures and smart materials,
- structural health monitoring.
Division of Automation and Aeronautical Systems
Research in the area of:
- modelling and simulation of mobile controlled and guided vehicles (air, ground, water, space),
- advanced and applied control and navigation methods and algorithms, including autopilots and fly –by- wire systems,
- rotorcraft aeromechanics,
- simulators,
- integration of navigation sensors for mobile platforms.
Division of Division of Fundamentals of Machine Design
Research in the area of:
- biomechanics and impact biomechanics,
- experimental mechanics,
- reliability, risk and safety,
- fatigue and fracture mechanics.
Division of Mechanics
Research in the area of:
- flight dynamics, aircraft motion modelling, flight data analysis, system identification
- wind turbines, computational fluid dynamics methods applied to wind turbines,optimal strategies in aircraft flight and biomechanics.
- analysis of flatter,
- eigenproblems, simulators, optimal control, aeroelasticity, artificial intelligence.
Division of Strength of Structures and Materials
Research in the area of:
- strength of materials and solid mechanics,
- experimental methods in stress analysis,
- numerical methods in structural mechanics ( finite element method - FEM, BoundaryElement Method - BEM),
- dynamic phenomena (vibration, blast, crash) and contact problems,
- strength and stability of biomechanical systems,
- strength problems for composite materials/smart materials.
Division of Theory of Machines and Robots
Research in the area of:
- multibody systems,
- robots design and prototyping including walking machines and humanoids,
- navigation in robotics,
- robots motion synthesis,
- bio-robotics,
- biomechanics.
Institute of Heat Engineering
Division of Aircraft Engines
Research in the area of:
- internal combustion engines,
- fundamental studies on combustion and detonation phenomena – experimental andcomputational fluid dynamics - CFD modeling,
- jet propulsion.
Division of Machines and Power Equipment (Power Engineering)
Research in the area of:
- power information technology systems,
- modelling and optimization,
- power machinery – boilers and turbines,
- fuel cells,
- nuclear power engineering,
- environment protection technologies,
- economic processes related to power engineering.
Division of Rational Use of Energy
Research in the area of:
- rational use of energy in industry, public sector and households,
- energy efficiency in power grids,
- Smart Grids and energy issues in Smart City,
- pumps,
- thermal power plants,
- district heating systems.
Division of Refrigeration and Energy in Buildings
Research in the area of:
- refrigeration, air-conditioning),
- power plant cooling systems,
- trigeneration systems (CCHP),
- heat pumps, renewable energy systems (including: solar energy applications),
- energy efficient buildings, passive buildings,
- modelling, simulation, energy deficiency and optimisation of the technical systems mentioned above.
Division of Thermodynamics
Research in the area of:
- thermodynamics and heat transfer (theory, material properties, modelling),
- measurements of thermal properties of solids and liquids,
- renewable energy sources and conversion, thermal energy storage, heat pumps,
- phase change materials, and thermal insulation,
- applications of infrared thermography,
- laser interaction with solids,
- thermal contact resistance.