
Student announcements from September 2022 are moved to the MS Teams platform.

They will be published in the team "Forum for MEIL students - Forum dla studentów MEiL" in the channel "Information and news from the Deanery - Informacja i ogłoszenia Dziekanatu".

Link to the team:

Aeronautical Systems 1 & 2, Simulators

Information regarding the first meetings for the students enrolled in the Aeronautical Systems 1 & 2, Simulators courses

Engineering Project

POW00-MSA-2008; master course

Updated list of proposed intermediate and diploma projects - Division of Thermodynamics

Updated list of proposed intermediate and diploma projects - Division of Thermodynamics

Timetable of classes

The timetable of classes will be available on the Faculty website from September 25, 2020.

e-Clearance Slip

We are launching the e-Clearance Slip dated from September 01, 2020 at our Faculty.

Aircraft Design 2

The last attempt to the colloquium on Aircraft Design 2 will take place on Friday, September the 11th between 12:15-14:00 using MSTeams.

Re-take of the test in FM1

Hereby I inform that the re-take of the missing test in the Fluid Mechanics I is to be held on September 2, accordingly to the following schedule:1st test – 5 pm, 2nd test – 6 pm, 3rd test – 7 pm.

September remote exam session

September remote exam session timetable 2.09.2020 - 15.09.2020

Additional exam (spring session) from Heat Transfer I

will be held on Thuesday 15th September. The exam will start at 9:00;

Information about form of the exam will be announced at the beginning of September.

Additional exam (spring session) from Advanced Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics III)

will be held on Wednesday 9th September. The exam will start at 9:00.

Information about form of the exam will be announced at the beginning of September.

PhD position in Fluid Mechanics research on stability and stirring by chaos in laminar flows

Hydrodynamic stability laboratory (StabiLab) at the Warsaw University of Technology is looking for a PHD student to work on the research project financed by the National Science Centre. The project concerns fundamental research on the topic of laminar mixing and chaotic advection triggered by hydrodynamic instabilities.

Aircraft Design 2

Improvement of the colloquium on Aircraft Design 2 will take place on Friday, June the 19th between 12:15 to 14:00 on MSTeams platform.

Advanced Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics III)

The retake exam, which were originally scheduled in March (spring exam session), due to COVID-19 is shifted to September this year. The information about the exact date, hours and form of the exam will be announced in e-studia, send via USOSmail and presented in the webpage of the faculty.

Heat Transfer I

The retake exam, which were originally scheduled in March (spring exam session), due to COVID-19 is shifted to September this year. The information about the exact date, hours and form of the exam will be announced in e-studia, send via USOSmail and presented in the webpage of the faculty.

Aeronautical Systems 1 Improvement Exam

The AS1 improvement exam will be conducted for students who did not pass it in the winter semester 2019/20.

Summer remote exam session

Summer remote exam session timetable 18.06.2020 - 30.06.2020


The additional CFD exam will be conducted for students who did not pass the theory part in the winter semester 2019/20.  The exam will be conducted online using the Microsoft Teams program on June, 22 (3.0 pm).

From June 01, 2020 the functioning of the University is partly restored

According to the Rector's ordinance no. 33/2020 dated May 26, 2020 we would like to inform you that from June 01, 2020 our instituion is going to partly function. Due to that fact, please note that:

Additional term of library training

Students, who had not completed the library training can take part in it between June 1-12 , 2020.