
Student announcements from September 2022 are moved to the MS Teams platform.

They will be published in the team "Forum for MEIL students - Forum dla studentów MEiL" in the channel "Information and news from the Deanery - Informacja i ogłoszenia Dziekanatu".

Link to the team:

Dear Students, Please find below the Rector's new decision

about accommodation payments in student's dormitories in the period from

The payments for the repeated subjects in the 2020L semester, if the subjects had not been compleated in the 2019L and 2019Z semesters

According to the Rector's decision no 86/2020 dated 24.04.2020 in matter of reduction regarding the payments for repeating some subjects

Attention Students. The payments for the repeated subjects, information below

Today is the last day for submitting the application for payment in installments or cancelling the payment.

We would like to inform you that the on-line learning

has been extended until May 15, 2020 due to the Rector's ordinance no. 23/2020 dated April 8, 2020.

Dear Students, Please find below the Rector's decision

about accommodation payments in student's dormitories in the period from March 12 to March 31, 2020.

Erasmus+ additional enrolment

We would like to inform that the Faculty system for Erasmus+ additional enrollment is opened from now until April 10, 2020.

March diploma exams

Due to the new implemented Goverment safety rules regarding Covis 19 and the Rector's ordinance of the labour rules until April 10, 2020 we would like to inform all students that the diploma exam, which should had been organized in the end of April, will be postponed. The term of submission the paper version of diploma thesis (April 06) is cancelled.

Remote Courses Schedule

We announce a list of courses that will be conducted remotely starting on March 23rd, 2020. The information is included in the attached files according to the place of employment of the academic teacher - Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics (IAAM) or Institute of Heat Engineering (IHE). We ask for active participation in the courses.

Erasmus+ results

Please find enclosed the Erasmus+ results. In case of any questions, please follow the "harmonogram" available on the website in "exchange".

The March diploma exams

The diploma defences are going to be postponed for the second part of April 2020.

Exams from Calculus 3

Due to the recent information from the Rector, we would like to inform that the exams from Calculus 3 are going to be organized after the Easter break (the exact term will be given later).

The change in admission hours

of Dean dr inż. Marta Poćwierz

Prolongation of the student's card

Due to mamy questions regarding this issue- We would like to inform that the student cards are NOT going to be prolonged in the Dean Office.

We are waiting for the ordinance of the Minister, which should contain the information about automatical prolongation of the student cards until May 31, 2020.

The ordinance should be published in a few days.

Due to the coronavirus in Poland

according to the Dean's decision - Prof. Janusz Frączek

Classes suspended

We would like to inform that form March 12, 2020 the classes at the Faculty are suspended.

Admission hours of Prof. Maciej Jaworski cancelled

The admisssion hours of the Dean Prof. Maciej Jaworski are cancelled for the indefinend time.

Machine Design 3

Exam for improvement will be held:

The payment for repeated courses

The payments for the repeated courses for semesters: winter 2019 and summer 2019 were calculated by the system in 03.03.2020