PhD student
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Link do postępowania: https://www2.ncn.gov.pl/baza-ofert/?akcja=wyswietl&id=189872
Termin składania ofert: 4/03/2022 00:00
PhD student - NCN: SONATA – ST

Nazwa stanowiska: PhD student
1. MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or similar field.
2. Ability and willingness to learn and independently tackle arising research challenges.
3. Programming in MATLAB, C/C++ or similar.
4. Excellence in English.
5. Ability to work independently.
Opis zadań:
1. Numerical and experimental investigation of wave scattering in waveguides
2. Design and manufacturing cloaks of invisibility for surface water waves
3. Evaluation of robustness of cloaking devices to nonlinear waves
4. Publications preparation.
Typ konkursu NCN: SONATA – ST
Termin składania ofert: 4 marca 2022, 00:00
Forma składania ofert: email
Warunki zatrudnienia:
A PHD scholarship of around 1100 Euro per month secured fo 36months
Dodatkowe informacje:
Laboratory of Aerodynamics at the Warsaw University of Technology is looking for a PhD student to work on the research project financed by the National Science Centre. The project concerns fundamental research on the subject of surface water waves propagation in meandering waveguides. The main points of the research are:
- Numerical and experimental investigation of wave scattering in waveguides
- Design and manufacturing cloaks of invisibility for surface water waves
- Evaluation of robustness of cloaking devices to nonlinear waves
Prospective candidate should understand both computational and experimental methods of fluid dynamics, hold a master diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or similar field. The candidate is expected to have the ability and willingness to learn and independently tackle arising research challenges. The candidate should be familiar with programming (C/C++, MATLAB etc.) techniques, data processing methods and be ready to develop new or modify existing computational tools. Fluency in English is essential and ability to prepare publication material is a strong asset.
Project is funded by the National Science Centre (www.ncn.gov.pl). The work is to be performed under supervision of the PI Tomasz Bobiński. Financing is secured for 36 months and amounts to around 1100 Euro per month, which is slightly above average income for the Warsaw city and about twice the standard PHD stipend for the Warsaw University of Technology. Additionally, selected candidate must obtain a status of a PhD student at Doctoral School No 4 at Warsaw University of Technology.
If you are interested please send your CV, academic transcript and a list of publications to Tomasz Bobiński (tomasz.bobinski@pw.edu.pl).