Piotr Dziekan, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Cloud modeling software developed at the University of Warsaw

Numerical modeling is a key method for studying cloud physics. One of the main challanges in modeling clouds is the need to represent a broad range of spatial scales of atmospheric motion. Depending on the domain size, different types of models are employed. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) models, in particular, are valuable for basic cloud physics research as they capture the most energetic convective eddies while allowing for the simulation of entire cloud fields. Developed over more than a decade at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, the University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) is a LES model that distinguishes itself through its detailed treatment of cloud microphysics, specifically using the Super-Droplet Method (SDM) to model the evolution of cloud droplets. This presentation provides an introduction to UWLCM, including its numerical implementation and computational performance on hybrid computing clusters. Additionally, I will present an overview of research conducted using UWLCM, with a particular focus on recent study in improving turbulence parameterizations for next-generation climate models.