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Jacek Szumbarski
Funkcje pełnione w PW
Specjalista ds. dydaktycznych w projekcie POKL „Program Rozwoju Dydaktycznego Wydziału Mechanicznego Energetyki i Lotnictwa Politechniki Warszawskiej
Przewodniczący Komisji ds. Kształcenia (komisja Rady Wydziału MEiL)
Udział w realizacji projektu „Podniesienie jakości zarządzania PW” (finansowanie z EFS) w roli reprezentanta Wydziału (specjalista od programów kształcenia i KRK)
Zainteresowania naukowe
Teoretyczna i obliczeniowa mechanika płynów, metody numeryczne
Wybrane publikacje
- Szumbarski J., Wald P.: Analysis of the Stochastic Velocity Field by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. Mechanika Teoretyczna i Stosowana, Vol. 33, No 4, pp. 793-807, 1995.
- Szumbarski J., Styczek A.: The stochastic vortex method for viscous incompressible flow in a spatially periodic domain. Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 49, No 1, pp. 209-232, 1997.
- Szumbarski J., Floryan J.M.: A Direct Spectral Method for Determination of Flows over Corrugated Boundaries. Journal of Computational Physics 153, pp. 378-402, 1999.
- Szumbarski J.J., Floryan J.M.: Channel Flow Instability in Presence of Weak Distributed Surface Suction. AIAA Journal, Vol. 28 No 2, pp.372-374, 2000.
- Cabal T., Szumbarski J., Floryan J.M.: Stability of Flow in a Corrugated Channel. In Laminar-Turbulent Transition, H.F. Fasel and W.S. Saric, eds, Proceedings of the 5th IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Sedona, Springer 2000, pp. 345-350, ISBN 978-3-642-08752-3.
- Cabal A., Szumbarski J., Floryan J.M.: Numerical simulation of flows over corrugated walls. Computers & Fluids 30, pp. 753-776, 2001.
- Szumbarski J., Immersed boundary approach to stability for a spatially periodic viscous flow. Archives of Mechanics, 54, 3, pp. 199-222, 2002.
- Cabal A., Szumbarski J., Floryan J.M., Stability of flow in a wavy channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 457, pp. 191-212, 2002.
- Szumbarski J., On Origin of Unstable Modes in Viscous Channel Flow Subject to Periodically Distributed Surface Suction. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 40, 4, pp. 847-871, 2002.
- Floryan J.M., Szumbarski J., Wu X., Stability of flow in a channel with vibrating walls. Physics of Fluids, vol. 14, 11, pp. 3927-3936, 2002.
- Styczek A., Szumbarski J., On the magnetization-based Lagrangian methods for 2D and 3D viscous flows. Part 1: Theoretical background. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 40, 2, pp. 339-356, 2002.
- Duszyński P., Olszewski P., Poćwierz M., Styczek A., Szumbarski J.: On the magnetization-based Lagrangian methods for 2D and 3D viscous flows. Part 2: Numerical implementation and results. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 40, 4, pp. 825-846, 2002.
- Styczek A., Duszyński P., Poćwierz M., Szumbarski J., Random Vortex Method for Three-Dimensional Flows. Part 1: Mathematical Background. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 41, 1, pp. 3-20, 2004.
- Styczek A., Duszyński P., Poćwierz M., Szumbarski J., Random Vortex Method for Three-Dimensional Flows. Part 2: Numerical Implementation and Sample Results. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 41, 2, pp. 223-238, 2004.
- Szumbarski J., Olszewski P., Styczek A., Rokicki J., Computations of an unsteady flow in a three dimensional system of ducts. Part 1: Formulation of the mathematical problem and numerical method. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 42, 1, pp. 21-39, 2004.
- Szumbarski J., Olszewski P., Wawruch K., Małota Z., Computations of an unsteady flow in a three dimensional system of ducts. Part 2: Implementation issues and sample results. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 42, 4, pp. 869-903, 2004.
- Szumbarski J., Mizerski J.: Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Cardiovascular Flows. W ,,Blood Flow Modelling and Diagnostics. Advanced Course and Workshop”, IFTR Lecture Notes 6, ed. T.A. Kowalewski, ISSN 1733-0874, pp. 361-402, 2005
- Szumbarski J., Floryan J.M.: Transient Disturbance Growth in a Corrugated Channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 568, pp. 243-272, 2006.
- Szumbarski J.: Instability of Viscous Incompressible Flow in a Channel with Transversely Corrugated Walls. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 45, 3, pp. 659-683, 2007.
- Kowalewski T.A., Szumbarski J.J., Błoński S.: Low-Reynolds-number instability of the laminar flow between wavy walls, Proceedings of the 6th International ASME Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM2008-62070, June 23-25, 2008, Darmstadt, Germany. Publikacja w formie elektronicznej (8 stron).ISBN: 0-7918-4834-5
- Husain S.Z., Floryan J.M., Szumbarski J.: Over-determined formulation of the immersed boundary conditions method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199, pp. 94-112, 2009.
- Kurowska W., Szumbarski J.: Numerical Simulation of Restenosis in a Stented Coronary Artery. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58, pp.42-46, 2009.
- Szumbarski J., Blonski St.: Destabilization of a Laminar Flow in a Rectangular Channel by Transversely-Oriented Wall Corrugation. Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 393-428, 2011.
- Szumbarski J., Blonski St., Kowalewski T.A.: Impact of Transversely-Orented Wall Corrugation on Hydraulic Resistance of a Channel Flow. The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. LVIII, No. 4, pp. 441-466, 2011.
- Regulski W., Szumbarski J.: Numerical simulation of confined flows past obstacles – the comparative study of Lattice Boltzmann and Spectral Element methods. Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 423-456, 2012.
- Wejrzanowski T., Skibinski J., Szumbarski J., Kurzydłowski K.: Structure of Foams Modeled by Laguerre-Voronoi Tessellations. Computational Material Science 67, pp. 216-221, 2013.
- Gorecki B., Szumbarski J.: Unconditionally stable numerical scheme for natural convection problems. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2014, pp. 907-919.
- Regulski W., Szumbarski J., Wołlk-Łaniewski Ł., Gumowski K., Skibiński J., Wichrowski M., Wejrzanowski T.: Pressure drop in flow across ceramic foams - A numerical and experimental study. Chemical Engineering Science, 137, 2015, pp. 320-337.
Szumbarski J.: Numerical study of the Yosida method applied to viscous
incompressible internal flows with open boundary conditions. Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 163-180, 2016. - Regulski W., Leonardi Ch.R., Szumbarski J.: On the spatial convergence and transient behaviour of lattice Boltzmann methods for modelling fluids with yield stress. Preprint arXiv:1610.01388, 0ctober 2016, 45 pages.