Aerospace Engineering

Undergraduate program

Graduates of the Aerospace Engineering receive education satisfying the requirements of modern aerospace industry, airlines and other industries utilizing novel technologies. They are also prepared to meet the needs demonstated by scientific institutions for research, design, development and maintanance of aircraft and rockets. Their education is based on thorough knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics, including combustion proceseses, materials and manufacturing technology, with particular focus on those used in aerospace industry, basic electronics and information sciences including CAD.

  • Sample modules/Keywords:

During the first year the effort is focused on mathematics, physics, mechanics, thermodynamics and computer science. The students learn also electric circuits, foreign language and non-technical subject (mostly economy). The core subjects for the second year are fundamentals of mechanical design, control engineering and foreign language. The students of aeronautics program learn also their specialization subjects like aeronautics and astronautics. The third year is again more specialized. Aeronautics program focuses on aeronautical systems, mechanics of flight, materials for aerospace technologies, propulsion systems and rotorcrafts. The last half of the year in 3.5 years program is devoted to the supervised work on engineering diploma thesis.

  • Objectives:

The objectives of the study is to create the solid fundamental engineering knowledge during the first year of the study, then learn deeply the problems devoted to the subject of the study. The graduates are prepared to work in industry and to solve engineering problems. At first the aforementioned abilities should be proved in the diploma thesis where a given problem must be solved and the work must be documented and explained. Each diploma thesis is reviewed by 2 reviewers and is defended in the presence of commission consisting of professors and assistant professors.

Graduate program

Graduates of the Aerospace Engineering are provided with a knowledge allowing for scientific research and design, optimisation, modernisation as well as maintanance of the flying vehicles. Graduates are well prepared to work for aviation engine design offices, research laboratories and maintenance centers as well as deal with all types of internal combustion engines (automobile, railway and power plant engines) or continue the PhD studies

  • Sample modules/Keywords:

A graduate of postgraduate studies is recognized as highly qualified specialist. In each of the program student learn the advanced theory and engineering methods. They learn about recent achievements in the field of their study and the methods and tools that prepare them for taking management positions in industry, or to undertake the research activity. The third semester of the 3-semester-study is devoted to the solution to a research problem. The problem statement and solution are put into the master diploma thesis.

  • Objectives:

The objectives of the study is to gain the skills allowing for the independent and creative analysis of advanced engineering problems. The graduates are prepared not only for the work in industry but also for solving the research problems. Each diploma thesis is reviewed by 2 reviewers and is defended in the presence of commission consisting of professors and assistant professors.


Application procedure and deadlines

Polish candidates follow the standard enrolment procedure for the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (see The accepted candidate can opt for English Language Studies by filling the form and sending (or bringing) it to the Deans Office before August 15. Usually this form accompanies the letter of acceptance, sent approx. in July to each candidate. The admission deadlines for foreign candidates can be found at: The application should be submitted to:

International Students Office
Center for International Cooperation
Warsaw University of Technology
Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warsaw, Poland

Where to get the detailed information:
International Students Office, Centre for International Cooperation

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