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Nuclear Power Engineering
This specialisation is available only as a II-degree (master-degree) one. The logic of this approach is to separate the general and nuclear power courses. In result, the bachelors beginning their master studies in nuclear power engineering are well prepared in the field of general mathematics, thermodynamics, mechanics of solids, mechanics of fluids, environment protection, thermal engineering, turbomachinery, conventional and renewable power technologies, and socioeconomics. All the nuclear-related courses are concentrated within this master specialization. Their volume conditions a 4-semester programme.
Graduate programme
The graduate of Nuclear Power Engineering receives a profound education in the area of nuclear reactor physics, nuclear reactor modeling and simulation, nuclear instrumentation and control, contemporary and future nuclear reactor systems, and nuclear power plant safety, operation and maintenance. He/she is prepared for creative work and research in the field of design, operation and control of nuclear power and other nuclear installations, as well as of classical power and related installations. This work could be focused on energy conversion processes in power machines and equipment, conducting modernisation of systems and facilities, implementation of new technologies, establishing small enterprises and their management. The graduate is prepared to undertake third-degree studies (PhD studies) in nuclear power engineering, in conventional power engineering, and in related fields.
Sample modules/keywords:
The graduate of Nuclear Power Engineering is recognised as a highly qualified specialist. The programme of the studies is based on advanced theory and engineering methods. The students learn about recent achievements in the field of nuclear power and the methods and tools that prepare them for taking managing positions in industry, or to undertake research activities. Special attention is given to modelling and simulation methods and codes. The programme is realised in close collaboration with foreign and national universities, research institutes and companies, and is supported by visiting professors and industrial specialists. The last semester of the 4-semester study is devoted to a research-based internship at a nuclear installation, directly connected with the preparation of the master diploma thesis.
The main objective of the study is the graduate to gain skills allowing for an independent and creative analysis of advanced engineering problems. They are prepared not only for work in industry, but also for solving research problems. Each diploma thesis is reviewed by 2 reviewers and is defended in the presence of commission consisting of professors and assistant professors.
Application procedure and deadlines
Candidates may apply in two terms: before winter, or before summer semester (which would be the first or second semester, correspondingly). The admission is conducted in January and August. The exact deadlines are available on (Polish candidates), or (foreign candidates).
The admission requires two steps. Polish candidates should follow the standard enrollment procedure of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering FPAE); i.e., they should first register for the Nuclear Power Engineering specialisation on, and next submit the application documents to the FPAE Dean’s office (noting the specialisation: Nuclear Power Engineering).
Foreign candidates should first register for the Nuclear Power Engineering specialisation on, and next submit the application documents to the International Students Office (noting the specialisation: Nuclear Power Engineering):
International Students Office
Centre for International Cooperation
Warsaw University of Technology
Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warsaw, Poland
For more information:
International Students Office, Centre for International Cooperation