dr Michał Kopera (Boise State University, Department of Mathematics, USA), „Numerical ocean modeling with high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods and multi-layer shallow water equations”.

„Numerical ocean modeling with high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods and multi-layer shallow water equations”.

I will outline the equations and methods used in developing the hydrostatic version of the ocean model NUMO, including the multi-layer shallow water formulation, discontinuous Galerkin discretization, and the barotropic-baroclinic splitting used to advance the equations in time. I will use the double-gyre test case to compare the results with the HYCOM ocean model in terms of resolved kinetic energy and perform a convergence study to establish the benefits of high-order discretizations. I will finish with preliminary parallel performance results and provide outlooks for further model development. This work is funded by the US Office of Naval Research and performed in collaboration with the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies at Florida State University (E. Chassignet, A. Wallcraft, A. Bozec). We extend the splitting methods developed by R. Higdon for 1D multi-layer SWE with modal DG to the 2D nodal DG method and include SSPRK time-stepping methods for barotropic (and soon baroclinic) equations.